Sunday, 22 November 2009

An all-loving love

My soul follows hard after you:
your right hand upholds me.
-Psalm 63:8

The impulse to pursue God originates with God. "No man can come to me," Jesus said, "unless the Father that sent me draws him." (John 6). Because God's act of drawing happens first, he deserves all the credit if we decide to come to Him. We should be following hard after God, but he is drawing everyone, "not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance." (2 Peter 3:9): He determined the times set for all people and the exact places where they should live "so that men would seek after him and perhaps reach out for him, though he is not far from each one of us." (Acts 17:27). He specifically chose where and when you would live so you might reach out to him. Do you know who you are? You are like a miniature version of God, with your own will - created by Him. We think we are the gods of our own lives, until we realise that he made us, and where our heart's true home is - with him: so God set a trap for us. In his heart, God had billions and billions of characters and personalities that he's released into the world. Most are going their own way, but he has a way to draw every one of us back, if we will slow down and listen. God was so in love with the world that He gave his only son, that whoever believes in His name can have eternal life. All people everywhere are welcome to their gift - their gift of eternal life. (Acts 17:30)

None of our lives are the same; our experience of heaven and our relationship with God is also be unique and special. Nobody sees him in the same way!

And there is a personal and unique way that God is wanting to reach out to people - people desire God and desire to encounter his life in very personal ways, and no-one is the same. See not as man sees but as the Lord does - into hearts - and you will lead the most resistant of people to repentance.

